Can Aging Be Slowed by Exercise, Is Weight Lifting or Aerobic-Cardio Exercise Better?

We all age, however, some age slower than others. Some age slowing has to do with healthy eating habits, getting enough sleep, etc. But some is due to exercise keeping people’s bodies from deteriorating.

Studies have proved this by dividing people up into two or more groups. The study groups are compared over time. People with similar diets and lifestyles, but different exercise practices have different results.

Doing the Easiest Exercises

It is human nature to gravitate towards tasks with less resistance. We like what is easier. If that increases how often the exercise is done, that is good.

Which types of exercise are the most effective? Broad groups include resistance exercise – weight lifting, weight machines, etc., and various types of cardio-aerobic exercise. Is one better? Is one more beneficial?

First, any exercise is better than none. Second, there are so many variations of each type of exercise, that broadly grouping them can be misleading. Each category does have some commonalities though.

Frequently the type of exercise we find easiest is the one where we already have a degree of proficiency and fitness. The exercises that will help us the most are not as easy. They address where our fitness is not as good.

Weight Lifting

If you gravitate to weight lifting, you are probably somewhat muscular and strong. Doing weight lifting will at least maintain your fitness, and will increase it if you increase the amount of weight over time. You should also do lifts that exercise all your muscle groups.

Weight lifting has a smaller effect on aerobic fitness. This can be helped by using lighter weights and more repetitions in each type of lift.

Weight lifting is also easier on ankles, knees and hip joints than running is.

Cardio-Aerobic Exercise

An aerobic exercise is any exercise that has a major effect on strengthening the circulatory system, heart and lungs. It increases your endurance. Even if you lift weights, adding aerobic exercise is good for general health.

Specific forms of aerobic exercise are running, swimming, bicycling, and the like. They are usually easier for those who are more slender. Although swimming takes – or will develop – more upper body strength. If you run or bicycle, add some upper body exercises to balance your fitness.


The most important thing is to exercise regularly. Choose whichever you will be consistent with. Supplement it with the opposite for balance.

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