How to Dress for Winter Running?
A winter workout can be as gratifying as a sweet summer one – but only as long as you have the right gear to keep yourself warm and comfy. Your level of comfort will depend on many factors, such as how aggressively you are exercising and how cold is it outside. Here are some good […]
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Winter Exercise Essentials for Men
Winter is just around the corner. We know that certain times during winter, it gets too cold to even go outside, much less exercise. But with carefully picked winter running clothes and gear you can have as much fun exercising outdoors as you enjoyed during the summer without even compromising your comfort, safety and style. […]
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How your Workout Clothing Affects Your Performance?
Proper workout clothing, footwear, and accessories help improve your performance; a wrong choice can prove detrimental to your performance regardless of whether you are on the court, field, track, or in the gym. Manufactures spend millions of dollars researching human biomechanics to come up with apparel and footwear that works to enhance performance. According to […]
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5 Simple Steps to Choose the Right Workout Clothing
Researchers have coined a new term called “enclothed cognition” to describe the mental changes we normally go through when we wear certain clothing. Yes – the clothing we wear influences our behavior and the way we think and act. But that’s not the only reason you should be choosing the right athletic clothing. Proper attire […]
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How your Workout Clothing Affects Your Performance
Proper workout clothing, footwear, and accessories help improve your performance; a wrong choice can prove detrimental to your performance regardless of whether you are on the court, field, track, or in the gym. Manufactures spend millions of dollars researching human biomechanics to come up with apparel and footwear that works to enhance performance. According to […]
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