How Do I Get Back into Shape and Find Ways to Fitness Again Easily and Quickly?

Did you know your body is adaptive? Within two weeks to a month of exercise, your brain learns to recruit more muscles and move your body more effectively and efficiently. After a month, your body can change to include increased muscle, wider blood vessels, higher blood volume, and more efficient oxygen delivery. Even your bones get stronger.

Creating Your Best Workout Solution

With this information, you can create your best workout solution. The first step of getting back to shape is the first 2 to 4 week plan which can include the same exercises you were doing when you stopped working out. But you should use substantially lighter weight and do fewer sets. For example if you originally did 4 sets, try doing 2 to 3 sets at first in the beginning and using a lighter resistance on the weight stack.

Warm Up is Important

You should also extend your warm-up a bit longer than normal and include a longer cool-down for your heart rate by including light aerobic exercise and stretching until breathing is easy again.

After 2 to 4 weeks pass with this initial start, you can start adding more weight and sets, and setting higher intensity to your cardio. The best strategy for cardio is hard-easy intervals, such as run-walk intervals to get yourself back into cardiovascular shape.

Reaching Your Fitness Level

Basically, use the first 2 to 4 weeks to ease your body back into shape. Then after week 6, increase intensity and level. You will find yourself getting back to shape, gradually but quickly, minimizing the risk of discomfort or injury.

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