How to Increase Your Motivation and Interest by Competing with Yourself

Keep a Log

Keeping a log or diary of your workouts can be a great sustainer of your urge to exercise. Make a way to log your performance for each separate routine. You can then watch how you are progressing. It can be a great encouragement.

Lifting Weights

If you are lifting weights, you can test yourself with the next higher weight increment when you are alone. That way, you can avoid ribbing if you succeed immediately. Wait until you can lift the heavier weight consistently, then use that weight in the group you workout with.

There is both the amount of weight you lift and the number of repetitions. Often increasing the number of reps for several workouts will increase your strength. You can then increase the weight and go back to your standard number of reps.

Running and Swimming

This also works in other types of workouts. In running, increase the diatance you run before increasing your speed at your standard distance. In swimming, with several different strokes, you can increase the distance first. Then increase your speed at your standard number of laps or distance if you workout in open water.

Your Body’s Ability to Build Muscle and Endurance

After going through this process a few times, you will have a pretty good idea how much to increase your workout. You will also know how long it will take before you move to more weight, higher speed, etc. Your will learn the speed your body builds strength and endurance. It may be different when you increase repetitions versus increasing weight. Or, in the case of swimming, the number of laps versus the increase in speed. Running, of course is more similar to swimming than lifting weights.

Get Equipped

This same process works well with all types of workouts, not just the ones mentioned here. In every case, equip yourself with men’s or women’s Baab Fitness’ workout apparel. The cotton absorbs perspiration and keeps you warm after you are done.