3 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Get Moving

Having a hard time staying motivated when it comes to your fitness goals? You’re not alone. However, if you stick with it, your daily workouts will eventually become a habit. In the meantime, here are a few tips to help you get moving.

Put Yourself Out There

Hold yourself accountable and ask the people who care about you to do the same. Consider making an announcement on social media that you plan on visiting the gym X times per week; more than likely, your friends and followers will be happy to hold you to it.

Reward Yourself

No, this doesn’t mean you should grab an extra large smoothie from your favorite fast food restaurant the second you finish your workout; however, rewarding yourself with something that won’t undo your entire workout (such as a diet soda) can be enough to keep you motivated. Your reward doesn’t even need to be food-related; maybe let yourself read a chapter of your new book or spend an hour watching TV.

Use a Free Fitness App

Consider downloading a free fitness application for your phone, which will allow you to easily track your workouts, calorie intake, and weight loss. Seeing those numbers on the screen (and sharing your app entries with friends via social media) is a great way to stay motivated, and may even spark a little friendly competition between you and your friends.

Be sure to give some or all of these tips a try the next time you’re feeling dread over an upcoming workout; you might be surprised at what a difference they can make. Of course, having the right gym apparel can also make all the difference!
